I've spent some time in an assisted living joint. The client is great but I really love accompanying them to the dining room. There is a wealth of material there. Its like being back in high school. Those old folks love to make fun of the food and the service. If the gravy runs out at breakfast its a major happening. The flank steak is usually tough and they all shout it out to the new comers at dinner.
Yesterday the table behind us was reminiscing and trading stories about when they all had their first strokes. I was only temping, going to miss it there. My lovely summer floral and tropical print wardrobe fits right in with the ladies twice my age too. I dont do ruffles but I love florals. Cant help it. When I was in the big city a few weeks back we were talking to some homeless guy in the park and he looked at me and said I wasnt from around there, I didnt look like the rest of them. I took it as a compliment.
The third agency has just hired me with a schedule consisting of 8 to 12 hour shifts. Right now I'm driving all over the place w#@king shifts averaging 3 hours but up to 12 hrs. I'm putting in 60 hrs this week the hard way. I have one 24 hr stretch w$#king with 4 different people with only an hour or two off in between this weekend. Good thing I'm a coffee achiever.
Anyway I went to quit the second agency expecting them to be understandably pissy and they were so nice. Three people there asked me if I would still stay with them at least a few hours. As luck would have it they sent me reluctantly to their pickiest toughest client who cant stand most of the caregivers and that person loved me. I only temped a few shifts but on my second day with them this person was on the phone with my boss when I walked in their door trying to get the caregiver after me to come in later so I could stay longer. They are high maintenance but we get along. Its nice to be appreciated. So I said I would still try to fit some hours in for them too.
I guess extreme w$#k beats extreme poverty for now. Everyone I w$#k for is so nice and positive. Soon I may not spell it w#@k. NOT! But after 125+ jobs I have found the one most tolerable for me until the powerball comes in. Its really a surprise after all these years.
Cavedog is not getting the 24/7 concierge service he grew to know and love and is getting wilder by the day. One short walk isnt cutting it and no time for the bark park.